Hearse Clubs – the Perfect Option for Funeral Car Fans!
Cars have become a very important part of modern society. From subcompacts to SUVs to exotic sports cars, each style of vehicle has a loyal band of supporters. Showing off our cars and meeting others who share our interest is an extremely common means of bonding. Therefore, car clubs can be found for virtually any vehicle in existence.
Hearses and funeral cars are no exception. Although the squeamish may nervously retreat at the sight, these vehicles tend to be heavy, well-built and extremely beautiful. It is only natural that they would develop their own loyal following.
Hearse clubs, like other car clubs, generally meet both in person and online. They may gather together for shows and, in the case of funeral cars, for Halloween event sponsorships and appearances. Many hearse and funeral car owners perform all or most of their own maintenance, and hearse clubs are a great place to get advice and trade tips.
Many funeral car owners enjoy customizing their vehicles in a variety of ways, from adding new carpeting and drapes to custom paint jobs and even heavy bodywork. Hearse clubs give them a place to show off their work and find willing assistants for big jobs.
A car club is, at its heart, a social organization. Funeral car owners in particular often suffer a social stigma. Membership in a club is reassuring and can help avoid social isolation. Clubs vary from heavily gothic-themed spooky clubs to a variation on the boys-club mentality of many traditional car clubs.
We did a small search to find a few clubs that are still active and offering ways for people to connect. This is just a small sample of clubs that maintain national coverage, but be sure to check local car clubs to meet fans nearby.
Denver Hearse Club – Their website may not get updated often, but they are one of the oldest Hearse Clubs in the country. Their gallery alone is worth a visit.
Black Widow Hearse Club – A great resource for other clubs and general information.
Hardcore Hearse Club – This group came about after the demise of two other groups in the Chicago area. They are currently trying to bring back an active interest thanks to some devoted fans.
Nightmare Cruisers – Another devoted club with avid fans. Great for finding resources and connecting with fellow hearse enthusiasts.
And don’t forget to check out your options on social media and group sites like Facebook and Meetup. In many cases, clubs found through these kinds of sites can help you connect locally.
Whether or not you currently own a funeral car, a quick internet search will reveal numerous hearse clubs from which you can choose. When you are ready to buy, consider our friendly nationwide dealership. We can help you find the new or used funeral cars of your dreams.