Florida Hearse Tour Delivers Unique Macabre Experience
Halloween is just around the corner and fans of all things dark and dreary are lining up to take advantage of a unique experience one company offers. Residents and visitors to the St. Augustine area of Florida are quick to recommend the Hearse Rides Ghost Tour. This trip through some of the more morbid stories that St. Augustine has to offer takes place while you ride in the back of a gothic 1974 hearse which used to be the last ride for several people.
The Hearse Rides Ghost Tour goes to some of the houses in the area that are believed to be haunted. The tour also visits the site of the murder of the mayor’s wife in 1974. At some of the tour stops, guests are allowed to get out of the gothic funeral cars and check out the macabre attractions while at other times you will remain in the hearse and simply hear the stores.
The Hearse Rides Ghost Tour goes out every night. There is a 90 minute tour and a 60 minute tour. The main difference between the two is that the 90 minute tour goes to a supposedly haunted lighthouse in the area. The back of the hearse only seats a maximum of nine people so make sure to get your reservations as soon as possible at GhostAugustine.com. Or you can call toll-free at 1-866-266-6641. Tickets are generally between $20 and $35 depending on where you are located.
It’s a popular attraction in the area and one that is sure to deliver an experience to remember this Halloween.